Macro level: Governments and health organizations
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Below you may find some already available information.
Governments and international institutions may consider some recommendations in order to decrease the population levels of work addiction. These are highly warranted since work addiction is relatively prevalent in most countries, and the scale of the problem requires systemic and systematic prevention and solutions. Also, these are most often the same recommendations that would likely decrease other health problems and related social and economic costs due to the growing “pandemic” of occupational stress-related problems such as burnout and work-related depression.
Unemployment and job instability are related to adverse social and psychological consequences, such as depression and suicides. At the same time, they increase overworking and its associated negative phenomena among those who are employed. For example, economic crisis not only results in suicides among those struggling to find job but also among those who do their best to keep it. Both death from overwork (karoshi) and suicide from overwork (karojisatsu) increase during economic hardships.