Work addiction
This web page aims to gather state-of-the-art scientific knowledge about the phenomenon of compulsive overworking, understood as a potential behavioral addiction, and known as work addiction or workaholism. It provides essential information about its clinical status, risk factors, consequences, prevention approaches, and therapeutic interventions. It is also intended as a platform for international collaboration of scientists, practitioners, non-profit organizations, institutions, students, and media.
The goal is to raise awareness about work addiction, provide the most accurate information about it, and integrate efforts to counteract this highly harmful individual, social and economic problem.
There is growing acknowledgment among health institutions and governments of a need to develop evidence-based guidelines on mental wellbeing in the workplace. Such guidelines cannot be effective without including specific actions toward preventing and reducing the phenomenon of compulsive overworking and its consequences which permeate the labor market in all its aspects.
Also, large numbers of self-employed individuals should not be left out without systematic and systemic support for their wellbeing, health, and productivity.
The role of sustainable management requires more recognition, and practical solutions to counteract unhealthy management practices are highly warranted.
This web page was developed to aid a global research project on micro, meso, and macro risk factors of work addiction and related health problems. The project involves over 60 countries from six continents and integrates the efforts of more than 100 researchers, including world-leading experts on work addiction, workaholism, and behavioral addictions.
The global research project titled “The role of macro-, meso-, and micro-level factors in work addiction and related health problems” is financed by National Science Centre in Poland (project number 2020/39/D/HS6/00198).
We encourage anyone interested in this problem to collaborate with us.
Project leaders

