Where to find help with work addiction?
This page is still under development. Soon we will update more information.
Below you may find some already available information.
If you are concerned about your attitude toward work, you feel you may have problem with work addiction or experience symptoms of work-related depression, and you want to consult your worries with a specialist or share your experiences in a self-help group, please find your country below and there you will find links to health organizations and centers which provide support and treatment for addiction-related problems, including work addiction. They are arranged by countries in alphabetical order.
Note that the list is not exhaustive, and you may prefer to find another institution, organization or private practice providing psychological help in your country.
Currently, we provide links to the gevernmantal institutions, widely recognized organizations tackling addictive problems (including work addiction), or acknowldged self-help groups such as workaholics anonymous. Some of these pages may redirect you to specific health and treatment centers, and other available solutions in your country. With time we will update the information with more direct and precise links to a wide range of established mental health providers.
We especilly recommend:
- consulting health professionals, particularly specializing in addiction-related problems, and
- to seek comprehensive diagnosis, particularly in terms of disorders that co-occur with work addiction.
Previous studies found that work addiction may co-occur with:
- depression,
- anxiety,
- social anxiety,
- obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and other personality disorders (e.g., borderline personality disorder),
- eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa),
- other addictive disorders (e.g., alcohol use disorder, food addiction which may be related to binge eating disorder, shopping addiction/compulsive buying),
- bipolar disorder (manic-depressive),
- sleep disorders,
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
- obsessive-compulsive disorder.
If you experience work addiction it does not mean that you necessarily have any of these problems. However, some people struggling with work addiction may additionally suffer from some of them.
Some of these disorders may increase your risk of work addiction (e.g., obsessive compulsive personality disorder), some may be a result of it (e.g., anxiety or depression), and other may have common causes (e.g., eating disorders). Therefore, addressing and treating these problems may improve your overall functioning, and help you manage your work addiction.
Governmantal page on support for addictive problems click here. This page may redirect you to specific health and treatment centres and other available solutions in your country.
Workaholics anonymous click here. You may find groups in your country or language.
National Center for Addictions Treatment: https://ncat.am
Sigma Med Medical Center: https://areg.am/sigmamed
AYG Center for Psychological Services: https://hogeban.am
If the participants feel distressed during or after the survey or if they are workaholics and would like to receive support from a professional, they can get in contact with following services that are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: Lifeline (phone: 13 11 14) and Beyond Blue (phone: 1300 22 4636).
Here are the email addresses of these organizations:
There are also specialised services for addiction that are offered by Turning Point ((03) 8413 8413), sharc ((03) 9573 1700), Smart Recovery, and Workaholic Anonymous.
Here are the email addresses of these organizations:
– National Center for Mental Health, China: https://ncmhc.org.cn/
– National Institute for Occupational Health and Poison Control, China: https://www.niohp.net.
The mental health webpage for the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance of the Dominican Republic includes information about mental health and a list of public centers in the country that offer psychological and psychiatric assistance:
Dedicated centers that offer therapeutic options for individuals with behavioral addictions:
Clínica Conductual Volver: https://volver.com.do/#/inicio
Fundación Fénix: https://fenix.org.do/
You can seek help from occupational health care or public health care.
Some general information on help for addictions: https://a-klinikkasaatio.fi/
Information concerning mental health and well-being at work: https://mieli.fi/materiaalit-ja-koulutukset/tietoa-mielenterveyden-vahvistamisesta/tyoelamanmielenterveys/
Below you will find links to webpages of istitutions and organizations providing support for addictive disorders:
- https://www.sucht.de/ The Fachverband Sucht+ e.V. (FVS+) is a nationwide
association that brings together institutions dedicated to treating, caring for, and
counseling persons with addictions. - http://www.arbeitssucht.de/ -> for Germany, Switzerland and Austria
- http://www.arbeitssucht.de/meetings.html#Deutschland -> Cities with AAS-Meetings
in Germany - https://www.dhs.de/suchthilfe/suchtberatung
Ghana Mental Health Authority Help Line
0800678678 (Toll free)
- KETHEA, Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals: https://www.kethea.gr/
- Detoxification Unit “18 ANO” Psychiatric Hospital of Attica: https://www.18ano.gov.gr/
- Thessaloniki Psychiatric Hospital: https://www.psychothes.gr/ and Thessaloniki Psychiatric Hospital, Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Addiction Unit: https://www.psychothes.gr/δομές/εξαρτήσεις/τμήμα-για-άτομα-εξαρτημένα-από-αλκοόλ/
- Psychosocial Support Hotline “10306”. https://10306.gr/
The Psychosocial Support Hotline “10306” offers anonymous, confidential and 24/7 support to everyone in Greece.
- In the following link you can access the “Mental Health Units’ Map” developed by the Ministry of Health, where, based on your location, you can find all the mental health units near you https://bi.moh.gov.gr/mhealthmaps/showmap
Below you will find links to webpages of istitutions and organizations providing support for addictive disorders:
Counselling Center, Psychology Department, Karnatak University Dharwad- 03. Helpline Number 836-2215250
Psychological Services Center at Shahid
Beheshti University
Istituto Superiore di Sanità – Tema Dipendenze: https://www.iss.it/web/guest/dipendenze
Lista Associazioni di Auto Mutuo Aiuto: https://www.iss.it/il-gioco-d-azzardo/-/asset_publisher/p1x3CsWOX6VQ/content/indirizzario-tavolo-12-passi
Workaholics Anonymous
Workaholics Anonymous is a fellowship of individuals who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from workaholism.
Website: https://workaholics-anonymous.org/index.php/meetings/wa-meetings
Associate Counselling Psychologist – Camille Campbell
From the Caribbean Graduate school of Theology, Camille Campbell is trained in the area of Child and Adolescent Therapy but not limited to that area. She works with families challenged by mental disorders such as oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety and depression.
Number: 8769788535/ 8764990574
Location: 17 Ripon Road Kingston
Centred is a therapeutic practice in Kingston supporting clients such as teenagers to adults with social, emotional and behavioral difficulties. They offer psychological interventions for young people, adults and their families.
Number: 8762818601
Location: 28 Monroe Rd Kingston
Website: https://www.centredja.com
Family Life Ministries
This is a non-denominational, Bible-based organization in Kingston that provides counselling services.
Number: 8769268101/8769294360
Location: 1 Cecelio Avenue Kingston
Website: www.familylifeministriesjamaica.com
Caribbean Center for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Caribbean Center for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Kingston Jamaica provides Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for adults struggling with issues such as panic, social anxiety, excessive worry, trauma, obsessive compulsive disorder, personality and
interpersonal problems.
Number: 8763339555
Location: 17 Ripon Rd Kingston
Caribbean Tots to Teens
They offer medical and allied health services for children, teens as well as young adults.
Number: 8764990574
Location: 120 Old Hope Rd Kingston
Website: https://www.caribtots2teens.com
Dr Rachel Chung
Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr Rachel Chung is a Psychiatrist with over 10 years clinical experience in the field of diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions.
Location: PCAL Professional Suites, 67 Old Hope Rd Kingston
Telephone: (876) 552-7201
Email: drrachelochung@gmail.com
Instagram: dr.rachelchung
Kuwait Center for Mental Health:
Latvijas Atkarības psihologu apvienība (LAPA): http://lapsihologi.lv/
Krīzes centri Diennakts krīzes centri psihosociālā palīdzība krīzes situācijā nonākušām
Darba aizsardzības admimistrācija: https://www.darbadrosiba.lv/
– Malta Caritas runs substance use programmes: an outreach unit; family unit, residential
treatment, etc., but they also have a Counselling unit; a social work unit; an employee
assistance programme and a community well-being and development programme:
– Richmond Foundation provides mental health services in the community and runs a
programme called Healthy Minds related to the work environment:
– Sedqa is the national agency providing a range of addiction
services: https://fsws.gov.mt/en/sedqa
– In Gozo, Oasi offers a number of services related to addictions: https://oasi.org.mt
- HIMAYA: https://www.himaya.ma/
- RdR (Association for reudction of risks of drugs – L’Association Nationale de Réduction des Risques des Drogues)
Centro de Estudos e Apoio Psicológico – Universidade Eduardo Mondlane:
Associação de Psicologia de Moçambique (APM):
Associação Projeto Cidadão (APC) – Psicologia:
Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine Psychological help
Territorial centers of social service
(Міністерство соціальної політики України Психологічна допомога
Територіальні центри соціального обслуговування)
National Social Service Service of Ukraine
Social services
(Національна соціальна сервісна служба України
Соціальні послуги)
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Psychological service
(Міністерство освіти і науки України Психологічна служба)
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Contacts for psychological support
(Міністерство освіти і науки України
Контакти щодо психологічної підтримки)
Free online psychological help platform «Tell Me». To receive help, you need to briefly describe your request and send an application using this link: https://tellme.com.ua
(Міністерство освіти і науки України Безкоштовна інтернет-платформа психологічної допомоги “Розкажи мені”. Для отримання допомоги потрібно коротко описати свій запит і надіслати заявку за цим посиланням: https://tellme.com.ua)
The team of the Institute of Cognitive Modeling in cooperation with the Department of Medical Psychology, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy of the Bogomolets National Medical University and specialists of the «Friend» project developed a psychological first aid bot. It will come in handy in the first hours after a traumatic event – you can familiarize yourself with it by clicking on the link: https://t.me/friend_first_aid_bot
(Команда Інституту когнітивного моделювання зі співпраці з кафедрою
медичної психології, психосоматичної медицини та психотерапії Національного медичного університету імені Богомольця та спеціалістами проекту «Друг» розробила бот першої психологічної допомоги. Він стане в нагоді в перші години після травматичної події – з ним можна ознайомитися, перейшовши за посиланням: https://t.me/friend_first_aid_bot)
All-Ukrainian mental health program «How are you?»
(Всеукраїнська програма ментального)
здоров’я «Ти як?»
Ministry of Health. Official website Interactive assistant
This is an interactive system that understands what you need and offers relevant articles and subsections. Just answer a few questions and we will offer materials that may interest you on our website.
(Міністерство охорони здоров’я. Офіційний вебсайт Інтерактивний помічник
Це інтерактивна система, яка розуміє, що Вам потрібно і пропонує відповідні статті та підрозділи. Лише дайте відповіді на кілька запитань і ми запропонуємо матеріали, що Вас можуть зацікавити на нашому сайті.)
Lifeline Ukraine is a national, professional line for suicide prevention and mental health support. The hotline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
(Lifeline Ukraine – це національна, професійна лінія з питань профілактики самогубств та підтримки психічного здоров’я. Гаряча лінія працює 24 години на день, 7 днів на тиждень.)
Private clinic:
(DISCLAIMER: We do not obtain any financial or other benefits from the clinic and we do not guarantee the quality of the psychological support.)
- Cátedra de Psiquiatría, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Asunción
Página web: www.med.una.py
Citas para Psiquiatría de Adultos: llamar al 0992782394, de lunes a viernes, de 8.00 a 10.00 AM.
- Directorio de Salud Mental del Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social
Favor consultar el servicio más cercano a través de: https://www.mspbs.gov.py/portal/22590/conoce-el-servicio-de-salud-mental-mas-cercano-a-tu-comunidad.html
- Centro Nacional de Prevención y Tratamiento de las Adicciones
Para más información contactar a los teléfonos 021-298352, 021-298370 o al 021-298930.
Below you will find links to webpages of istitutions and organizations providing support for addictive disorders:
In Poland there is a specialized portal uzaleznieniabehawioralne.pl where detailed information on the available support for people struggling with addiction, including work addiction, and their loved ones can be found.
Online counseling organized by portal uzaleznieniabehawioralne.pl click here. You can find help from psychologist, specialist in addiction, or lawyer.
You can find help through this web page containing database of available support click here. You can make custom search based on your location in the country.
Institute of Mental Health: https://imh.org.rs
Special hospital for addiction diseases: https://www.drajzerova.org.rs
Below you will find links to webpages of istitutions and organizations providing support for addictive disorders:
Below you will find links to webpages of istitutions and organizations providing support for addictive disorders:
National Mental Health Helpline: 1926
In Switzerland, there is a specialized portal addictionsuisse.ch where detailed information on addiction or addictive behaviors and online help can be found.
You can also find specialized support available near your location in Switzerland through this web page: click here.
Furthermore, each canton has a specialized medical unit dedicated to helping people with addictive behaviors (see for example here for Vaud, or here for Geneva).
台灣輔導與諮商學會(Taiwan Guidance and Counseling Association: http://www.guidance.org.tw
財團法人「張老師」基金會(Teacher Chang Foundation): http://www.1980.org.tw
衛生福利部心理健康司(Ministry of Health and Welfare):
Mental Health and Psychiatric Services Units Under the Department of Mental Health
การให้บริการทางสุขภาพจิตและจิตเวช หน่วยงานในสังกัดกรมสุขภาพจิต
Mental Health Service Hotline 1323
Tel. 1323 (24 Hours)
บริการสายด่วนสุขภาพจิต 1323
โทร 1323 (24 ชั่วโมง)
The Samaritans of Thailand
Tel. 02-113-6789 (Office Hours 12.00-20.00)
โทร. 02-113-6789 เวลา 12:00-22:00 น.
Serenity Wellness Center: https://www.serenitywellnesscenter.org/
PsycHealth Zambia: http://psychzambia.com/